About Rabbi Schnall

Rabbi Etan Schnall joins the Young Israel of Hillcrest with many years of experience serving the Jewish community in educational and pastoral roles. He is an alumnus of the RIETS Wexner Kollel Elyon at Yeshiva University. He is currently a Magid Shiur at YU and served as Shabbos rabbi for the Wilf Campus in Washington Heights for more than a decade. Rabbi Schnall has lectured in communities across North America as a scholar-in-residence, served as Kashrus Administrator for the Vaad of Riverdale in Washington Heights and is a member of the Manhattan Beis Din for Conversions.
Rabbi Schnall assumed the role of Mara D’Atra in September of 2022. In a short span, he has brought tremendous new positive energy to our synagogue and neighborhood. New and expanded Shiurim, the reintroduction of Shabbat morning and afternoon groups, special educational and youth programming, and much more have highlighted the short time since Rabbi Schnall arrived in our community. He has connected meaningfully with members of all ages in Hillcrest, in good times and difficult moments. He has initiated and promoted new Chesed projects and he is available for questions and consultations in a timely fashion.
Rebbetzin Dr. Rebecca Schnall is Professor of Nursing and Public Health at Columbia University. Together, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Schnall have opened their home to the community and created a warm, friendly and welcoming atmosphere at the Young Israel of Hillcrest.