About YI Hillcrest
The Young Israel of Hillcrest serves a vibrant modern orthodox community in the heart of semi-suburban Queens. We are centrally located for easy access to an array of Kosher shopping and dining, excellent Yeshivot, an easy commute to Manhattan and much more!
Since the 1950s, YIH has been a prominent center of Jewish life for people of all ages.
Our synagogue has always served as a proud beacon of Torah, Chesed, Tefilla and support for the State of Israel.
Generations of children raised in our community have made an impact in the broader world in many ways.
Our history of distinguished rabbinic leadership and active communal participation continues to this day.
Young Israel of Hillcrest serves as a major hub for daily and Shabbat Minyanim in our region, as well as exciting youth programming and special events.
Our beautiful main sanctuary is a glorious display of K’vod Shamayim. Please click here to learn more about our beautiful Shul.
Our social hall is an ideal location to hold your Simcha or community event, with very affordable pricing and easy parking on site.
We look forward to greeting you at our warm and friendly Shul!
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9:30AM-3:30PM
Friday: 9:30AM-12:30PM
Bookkeeper Hours:
Wednesday after 4:00PM & Sunday morning.
For Appointments or Questions, call the Shul Office at 718-969-2990, or Email questions@yihillcrest.org.
2023 - 2024 Officers
Rabbi Etan Schnall
Officers 2023-2024
Sol Gelernter
Allan Kinches
Michael Gross
Vice President
Saul Grysman
Vice President
Murray Zilbering
Abe Feld
Financial Secretary
Larry Rosenblatt
Recording Seceratary
Mark Gross
Corresponding Secretary
Louis Tuchman
Chairman of the Board