Hillcrest Kehilla Automated Dialing System
Can Now Be Heard On the Internet or Replayed on the Phone
The Young Israel is proud to announce that we have switched our outbound message dialing system to an Internet Based delivery system called OneCallNow. This system can deliver calls to the entire Kehilla in just a few minutes. Please note that if you want to rehear the most recent messages, you can either follow the instructions below to call in and hear a message, or click on the green speaker volume symbol within the various OneCallNow Banners below to hear the most recent messages played on your computer's speakers.
- Your members can dial(Additional numbers are 866-321-4255 or 614-384-2335).
- They will hear the prompt "To hear your group's latest message, press 1." They press 1.
- Your members will be prompted to enter their telephone number. They enter their phone number. (They must enter a phone number that receives messages or the phone number will not be recognized.)
- They will hear a prompt telling them of the most recent message. To listen to the most recent message press 1, to listen to an older message press 2. They press 1. The message will be played.
Calling In to Hear a Message:
to hear message.
Please be patient
as it may take up to 12 SECONDS to hear sound on IE.
NOTE: On some web browsers such as Safari or Chrome (on Windows 10), clicking on the green speaker button may download the sound file, but not immediately play it, which will require you to open the file to play, by either clicking on the downloaded file or clicking on an "Open" button which will be readily apparent. (In Windows 7, Chrome will ask you to save the sound file!)
The best browser to use is Internet Explorer, which will immediately play by just clicking on the speaker icon. Firefox and Microsoft Edge will not play it all!