Upcoming Events
All proceeds go to help our Chayalim. Bring your own games and enjoy a dairy meal.
Monthly Breakfast Shiur - Every Sunday morning @9:45 AM in Beit Midrash
Youth Department Activity - Free Admission & Pizza. Raffles, Prizes & Goody Bags!
Every month we hold a hot delicious Kiddush for our members.
Dr. Charles Jacobs has been widely published, including in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, The...
Bnos Shabbos Afternoon Groups, 2:45 - 4:00 PM, Lower Level
Geared towards younger individual seeking an uplifting Davening Experience.
NEW TIME: 5:00pm - Tehillim for the IDF, the hostages and all of our brothers abnd sisters in Eretz...
Take a moment to say Tehillim first when you reach for your phone!
Together we will win!
Grand/Father & Son Weekly Learning,
Pizze and Prizes, Every Saturday evening from 6:30-7:15pm,
Bnos Shabbos Afternoon Groups
for Nursery to 7th Grade from 2:45pm - 4:00pm
Shabbos Morning Groups Ages 2-8
@9:45am till end of Davening